I Tried!!


I tried to accept everything until I was tired, but I’m letting you go, remember that I love you with all my being. I wanted everything with you, I wanted to achieve my goals and see you achieve yours, we both had a difficult life, and each one has their problems and wounds from things that affected us in the relationship. You taught me that love was something beautiful, I will always admire you for how strong you are, we are not in our best stage, I with my crises and certain problems that were difficult to control but I can say that I am achieving it, thank you for helping me with my problems and sadness, I closed wounds and I realize how valuable we are, I still have a lot to improve, I would have liked you to have the best version of me and see us succeed together, but all that remains are the beautiful memories we have and thank you too because I don’t regret the time we were together, at your side I learned and you were my first time at many things. With you I was so happy that I still remember that person I was when I was with you, I gave you so much love, even what I needed to give to myself, you made me so strong and at the same time so vulnerable because I got used to you, But even though it wasn’t our time, Your memory will always be in my mind.


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